Our Value Proposition

Personalized 360º Education

Smile and Learn is a 360º educational platform for children aged 3 to 12 years that adapts to their learning needs.
It has more than 12,000 resources in the form of activities and videos that meet all the educational needs of children from 3 to 12 years old: curricular content (including key competencies), language learning, programming, and even yoga.

All content is designed by educators and is perfect to enjoy in class or at home.

The platform includes the option to customize student profiles. Teachers can choose between different game levels, reading modes, fonts, and they can even add pictogram support. With Smile and Learn, learning can be adapted to each child’s pace.

Nuestra propuesta de valorNuestra propuesta de valor

Bilingual learning

The content is available in seven languages (Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan). As a result, students can acquire a language while studying other subjects, such as science or math. This makes Smile and Learn the perfect partner for bilingual programs.

Special educational needs

Smile and Learn is an inclusive educational platform that takes diversity into account. Our mission is to make technology accessible to all children regardless of ability in order to enhance their learning while having fun.

Smile and Learn breaks down barriers to inclusion for all students by combining these three elements to adapt to diversity and different educational needs.

Bilingual Learning Pathways

Specific content


Progress analysis

Smile and Learn allows tracking of each student’s usage and progress and provides recommendations based on artificial intelligence.
It also allows customization to the educational needs of students and easy scheduling of activities.

Análisis del progreso

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