Our research projects
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The use of Smile and Learn improves visuospatial skills in students with Down syndrome.
The graph represents on the vertical axis the scores obtained by the students with the Tangram game. The horizontal axis shows the scores of the first Tangram game and the average obtained in the training.
This result is published in the British Journal of Educational Technology.

The use of Smile and Learn allows students to improve their cognitive skills through autonomous training.
The graph shows on the vertical axis the scores obtained by the students with the Memory game. The horizontal axis represents the progress between the first Memory game and the average obtained in training.
This result is published in the British Journal of Educational Technology.
Lines of research
Technology for special educational needs
Herrero, L., Theirs, C. I., Ruiz-Iniesta, A., González, A., Sanchez, V., & Pérez-Nieto, M. A. (2019). Visuospatial processing improvements in students with Down Syndrome through the autonomous use of technologies. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(4), 2055-2066. doi.
Artificial intelligence for education
Almudena Ruiz-Iniesta, Luis Melgar, Alejandro Baldominos, & David Quintana. (2018). "Improving Children's Experience on a Mobile EdTech Platform through a Recommender System," Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2018, Article ID 1374017. doi.
Alejandro Baldominos, David Quintana. (2019). Comparison of Recommender Systems in an Ed-Tech Application. Sensros(19).
Design and interaction in educational platforms
Lara Nieto-Márquez, N.; Baldominos, A.; Cardeña Martínez, A.; Pérez Nieto, M.Á. An Exploratory Analysis of the Implementation and Use of an Intelligent Platform for Learning in Primary Education. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 983.
Lara Nieto-Márquez, N. (2020). The 20 most played educational games analyzed in an intelligent learning platform for children. In 5th Gamification & Serious Games Symposium 2020 (pp. 11-14
Evaluation of learning improvement
Lara Nieto-Márquez, N.; Baldominos, A. and Pérez-Nieto, M.Á. (2020). Digital Teaching Materials and Their Relationship with the Metacognitive Skills of Students in Primary Education. Educational Sciences, 10, 113
Lara Nieto-Márquez, N.; Cardeña Martínez, A.; Baldominos, A.; González Petronila, A.; Pérez Nieto, M.Á. (2020). Assessment of the Effects of Digital Educational Material on Executive Functions Performance. Frontiers in Education, 5, 545709.
Lara Nieto-Márquez, N.; Sillaots, M.; Cardeña Martínez, A.; Pérez Nieto, M.Á. (2020). Assessing Impact of Self-Regulated Learning Using Educational Games on Intelligent Platform. In Fotaris, P. (Ed.), 14th International Conference on Game Based Learning ECGBL 2020. (pp. 408 - 416). Academic Conferences International Limited. doi: 10.34190/GBL.20.120.

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